Welcome to Shreeyaa Educational Resources

Shreeyaa Educational Resources is a SIMPLE, EFFECTIVE & RESOURCEFUL destination for students & aspirants. Shreeyaa Educational Resources gives learning guidance and coaching for academics and competitive exams in simple, effective and resourceful manner with the effective and unique learning skills. EARNING FOR LIFE is our mantra. Here you learn everything for the life time.


We teach any subject with a logical and analytical approach, we not only prepare students for academic exams or for competitive exams but also for life and to their dreams.

What we Believe:


Education is Empowerment of Every Individual as well as the Nation.

Our Commitment:


We committed to create a knowledge full, effective learning methods, analytical thinking, personality development, general awareness oriented learning environment with the resourceful study material and we ensure competent ability in our students.

Our vision:


Strengthen education and shape Empowerment in all the way.



We aimed at Real Education